Inspirational Sunsets at Mykonos Bliss

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A sunset is an inspiration for all of us, if we chose to see it that way — and why not? There is something magical in the brief interplay between the golden intensity of light at the beginning of the Sun's descent, and its dim mellowness as the Sun dips further below the horizon. And the colors are the protagonists of this celestial wonder; from the golden-honey bursts to the amber-tangerine embrace, from the hypnotizing pink and the magisterial purple to the electrifying indigo and the Orphic sapphire blue, fading into each other in a harmonious choreography. 

Every afternoon the solar deity sets in motion a majestic show for us mortals, dispersing its blessings all around the sky and the sea, evoking the most arousing feelings. Mykonos is one of those places that the Sun seems to favor over others. Besides, Apollo, the god of the Sun — among other things — was born in Delos, the islet lying next to Mykonos, and when he was born he spread the divine light all around.

Many places in Mykonos offer amazing vistas of the gorgeous sunset, but you don't have to go far to admire it. You can always opt for the Mykonos Bliss pool area, where you will find your spot among the loungers and chairs to enjoy the spectacle with your soulmate and a summer cocktail in your hand. Lay back, open up to this experience, and let your gaze glide over the landscape, the sky and the sea — broaden your horizons in Mykonos Bliss!
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Kalo Livadi beach, Mykonos, 84600
Phone: +30 22890 72912
Reservation hours: 10:00 – 22:00

Licence Notification Number: 1058193

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